Adam Smith famously spoke of market forces as an ‘invisible hand’, but really this ‘hand’ is the push-and-pull we feel from an invisible web of money we are all entangled within.
In my forthcoming Altered States of Monetary Consciousness newsletter, I’ll help you to see this web, its creators, and its effects on us, by literally drawing it out (with periodic contributions from guest illustrators). Over time we’ll build a constellation of imagery of our economic landscape.
If you choose to be a paying subscriber, you’ll get to go even deeper. You’ll get access to my video series, Dispatches from the Frontiers of Modern Money. Each episode is a behind-the-scenes tour - guided by myself - of 5-10 topics on the bleeding edge of modern money. Check out this video for details…
Who am I?
I’m Brett Scott. You can find me on Twitter as @suitpossum.
I've spent over ten years exploring the architecture of global money and big finance, and I'm constantly on the search for ways to rewire our economic system. In 2013 I published The Heretic’s Guide to Global Finance: Hacking the Future of Money, and I have a new book on money forthcoming with Penguin Random House and HarperCollins. I’ve written for some of the world’s biggest publications, have appeared on major channels, and have spoken at over 250 events in over 30 countries. People call me many things – financial activist, economic hacker – but deep down I’m also an artist, so I hope you’ll join me on this ongoing creative journey to bring our monetary system to life. Sign up now so you don’t miss the first issue!
In the meantime, tell your friends!