I am really looking forward to reading this. Since returning to the UK from Portugal a few months ago, I've been horrified by the headlong rush towards a cashless society. In just eighteen months, the country has changed dramatically - many cafes and bars no longer accept cash, and supermarkets are increasingly automated, coupling card-only payments with increased surveillance. Food shopping is becoming a high-security experience! (Some details in my own Substack)
My response to this trend - apart from going back to Portugal for at least part of the year, where cash still rules - is to boycott all places that don't accept cash and to ween myself off supermarket shopping. I'm also becoming more digitally-discriminating and no longer shop at Amazon. Because of moving between countries, I may have to get an e-copy and I'm interested to hear of alternatives to Amazon.
On burnout, yes! Few people realise what it takes to put your face into this kind of stuff and I have protect my own nervous system carefully. I only do a monthly post, and put off the most difficult topics until I feel ready. Conversations and feedback help - a large part of the stress is the fear (evidence!) that so many people are sleepwalking into what could become a very unpleasant way of life.
I am really looking forward to reading this. Since returning to the UK from Portugal a few months ago, I've been horrified by the headlong rush towards a cashless society. In just eighteen months, the country has changed dramatically - many cafes and bars no longer accept cash, and supermarkets are increasingly automated, coupling card-only payments with increased surveillance. Food shopping is becoming a high-security experience! (Some details in my own Substack)
My response to this trend - apart from going back to Portugal for at least part of the year, where cash still rules - is to boycott all places that don't accept cash and to ween myself off supermarket shopping. I'm also becoming more digitally-discriminating and no longer shop at Amazon. Because of moving between countries, I may have to get an e-copy and I'm interested to hear of alternatives to Amazon.
On burnout, yes! Few people realise what it takes to put your face into this kind of stuff and I have protect my own nervous system carefully. I only do a monthly post, and put off the most difficult topics until I feel ready. Conversations and feedback help - a large part of the stress is the fear (evidence!) that so many people are sleepwalking into what could become a very unpleasant way of life.