Apr 11Liked by Brett Scott

Orthodox (or if you prefer mainstream) economics isn't very useful because its assumptions are rooted in ignorance of both human biology and anthropology.

And this fundamental set of errors is compounded by the backgrounds of the sort of people who choose to work in the field -- there's a surfeit of math and physics and a dearth of biology. It's simply a fatal combination for a project which aims to predict and/or organize human group behaviour.

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Apr 14Liked by Brett Scott

These essays are very well done: clear and well thought out. Really remarkable. Thank you!

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Our desires for comfort and convenience, whilst overdone, are reasonably easy

to understand. But our addiction to commodification and consumption seems like a sickness.

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Thanks, Brett, for this very insightful effort to reveal the deeper essential context in which we exist today. It seems clear to me that humanity as at an existential crossroads. Will we transcend our addition to materialism?

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Apr 14Liked by Brett Scott

Very in depth interesting read! You put in plain English things I sense without being able to formally explain. Thank you!

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